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"How many nights will you be staying with us, Mrs. Gentry," asked the young man behind the registration desk? "My husband and I will be staying at least two nights, maybe more," she replied, while her husband Carl stood quietly at her side! "Would you like me to call you a bellhop," the man behind the desk questioned? "That won't be necessary," Laura Gentry replied, while picking up two electronic room keys, "my husband can handle our bags, thanks anyway!" The two of them rode up the elevator in silence, mainly for the reason that Carl Gentry rarely said a word unless he was spoken to first! As the they stepped off of the elevator, Laura intoned, "Room 1013, it's that way," she said while nodding to their left! Once inside their room Laura announced that she was going to take a bath and would require Carl's assistance, he simply replied in a soft voice, "Yes, ma'am," and as he had done it a thousand times before, he began helping his wife out of her clothing!

Carl had always been entranced by his wife's body, and today was no different! As he peeled away her skirt and blouse and she became more naked, he felt the familiar tightening in his groin as his pecker began to stiffen just slightly! Standing with her back to him so that he could unclasp her bra, he couldn't help but notice the sleekness of her shoulders, the swale of her back, the narrowness of her waist, the fullness of her ass, and of course, the slim symmetry of her long lean well muscled legs!!! Kissing her shoulder and giving it a little nibble her he said, "God, Laura, you're incredible, I never get tired of seeing you naked!!! As her bra slid from her perfect 36C chest, she turned facing her husband and asked, "Do you like these the best," while cupping her breasts and tweaking her nipples!?! "Yes," he replied barely above a whisper, "I love your breasts!!!" "That's not what I asked," you she scolded, "do you think that they are the best part of me!?!"

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